Strategies for a Better Life

March 13, 2025

A woman having stomach painsChronic pain is one of the most common reasons adults in the United States seek medical care*. A study from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) shows that new cases of chronic pain occur more often among U.S. adults than new cases of several other common conditions, including diabetes, depression and high blood pressure. Among people who have chronic pain, almost two-thirds still suffer from it a year later.

If you’re one of the many millions of people who are suffering, you know that pain can limit your ability to enjoy everyday life. What’s more, dealing with chronic pain doesn’t just result in a diminished ability to participate in everyday activities, pain that won’t go away can also lead to mental health challenges, difficulty working outside the home, increased healthcare costs, and many more adverse consequences. 

The good news is that there is help for managing pain. Here are some frequently asked questions about chronic pain.

Q. What types of conditions does pain management treat?

Pain management services are available for patients with a wide range of conditions, including abdominal and pelvic pain, arthritic pain, back and neck pain, cancer, complex regional pain syndrome, fibromyalgia, headaches, multiple sclerosis, musculoskeletal pain, myofascial pain, neuropathic pain and phantom limb pain.

Q: What types of services can help patients manage pain?

The approaches to consider for help managing pain are as varied as the types of conditions being treated. Services available include adaptive device/technology recommendations, epidural steroid injections, intrathecal baclofen and pain pump management, nerve blocks, pain medication management, pain control and adaptive strategies, radiofrequency ablation, spinal cord stimulation and other neuromodulation techniques.

Q: What can a new patient expect during their pain management appointment?

St. Mary's physicians take a very individualized approach to pain management. That means they tailor care to the patient’s individual needs, depending upon the specific part of the body that is impacted and the type of pain involved. They also take what’s called a multimodal approach to pain management that may include some combination of procedural interventions and/or medications. The bottom line is that nobody needs to suffer from chronic pain if relief can be provided.

*Centers for Disease Control and Prevention